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Traffic Light Back-up, Smart Solar
LED Lighting & Portable Power Uni

LFPO - The Ultimate Battery For Your Needs

No Maintenance
The costs and risks associated with maintaining lead acid batteries are a thing of the past when you switch to LFPO Batteries. Our batteries are maintenance free and contain no acid. There is no need to “top-up” with LFPO Batteries. To become maintenance free, you simply drop LFPO Batteries in and forget about them for a long, long time.

Faster Charge and Deeper Depth of Charge
LFPO charges over 80% faster than typical lead acid batteries and can discharge over 90% while maintaining its powerful depth of charge.

Longer Life
Typical lead acid batteries run for about 400 cycles. Our Award Winning, Best-in-Class Energy Density Batteries will supply you with at least 5 times that and under some conditions up to 10,000 cycles. We routinely guaranty LFPO for 5 years.

Low Self Discharge Rate
Storing units longer is now possible.

Less Weight
LFPO is 70% less weight than a typical lead acid battery. Lighter to ship and easier to install.

No Corrosion
Typical lead acid batteries can easily cause corrosion. NOT SO WITH LFPO BATTERIES. Our clients are delighted to find no acid, no lead and no corrosion issues.

Safer, No Toxic Gases, No Toxic Acid, RoHS Compliant
Unlike lead acid batteries, use LFPO batteries and you will not risk being exposed to toxic gases during recharge, and no risk of acid burns on your skin.

Smart traffic light

Traffic lights in frigid parts of Japan are safeguarded by our LFPO Uninterruptible Power Supply Systems -- keeping lights running for three days off the grid - even in -20C winters!

Traffic Light Back-up Systems

• Quickly stepping in when power fails
• LFPO Traffic Light UPS allows traffic flow to continue uninterrupted.
• Lights work three days without power.
• Protected to -20 C

Critical Medical Equipment Back-up

Is your medical equipment backed-up with powerful, reliable LFPO batteries?

Designed to seamlessly step in when power fails, LFPO batteries and patented BMS ensure instruments critical to life can be safeguarded during power outages

Critical Medical Equipment Back-up

Non toxic, RoHS compliant.
Contains no lead, mercury, cadmium, radioactive cobalt, or acid. Our batteries use a natural process - rust. Yet, unlike typical lead acid batteries, they are not corrosive.

No Risk of Explosion or Fire
Unlike many other lithium batteries, LFPO batteries contain no risk of explosion and fire making them more suitable for critical situations.

No Toxic Gases Released
Feel free to charge up indoors without worrying about your health. Typical lead acid batteries release toxic gases during charge up. Our LFPO batteries do not.

Smart Solar LED Lighting

Mobile and Fixed Units
Both mobile units and fixed units combine powerful LFPO batteries with solar panels, creating a long lasting reliable lighting unit that continues to run during power outages.

Outdoor Events
Great for use during outdoor events such as festivals and concerts. A “must-have” for for event rental companies.

How Smart Lights Save You Money
Not only do these units completely eliminate the cost of electricity, the easy set up of Smart Lights proves to be a fraction of the cost of lights that are connecting to the grid.

Quiet Portable Power Units

The Strong Silent Type

Portable Power Units on wheels are ready when you need power. These strong 12V 60Ah units use our powerful LFPO Best-in-Class batteries with award-winning energy density that is non corrosive and safe from explosion and fire.

Quiet Camping
Give yourself the power to enjoy some of the comforts of home while you are camping, without the disturbing noise of a gas or diesel generator.

Emergency Power
Very low self discharge rates make these units ideal for emergency use. Power it up and be ready for the next power outage, hurricane or earthquake.

Safety - LFPO Vs Lead Acid

Typical lead acid batteries can release toxic gasses while charging;such as hydrogen sulfide and hydrogen, which carries a risk of explosion.
Lead acid batteries can also leak sulfuric acid which can burn or destroy the skin on contact. The eyes, respiratory tract even the digestive system can be severely damaged through contact with this acid. This also causes corrosion and can be difficult to avoid during charge-up and maintenance. Not so with LFPO. Not only are LFPO cells maintenance free, they do not release toxic gases and do not leak acid.
LFPO contains no acid or other toxic chemicals. LFPO is RoHS compliant.

The Strong Silent Type

This portable 12V 60Ah unit is light and powerful. Use it for work, camping or keep it for emergencies, reliable LFPO batteries will not let you down.


LFPO is maintenance free and built to last at least three to five times as long as typical lead acid batteries.

Imagine buying a more sustainable, powerful, safe battery, so maintenance free and long lasting, you simply forget all about it.

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